
Friday, 28 December 2012

Unconscious Person Cannot Separate High Cholesterol and Heart Attack

Our heart is the most precious organ in our body. Perhaps, it plays the most significant role to run our body well. It takes the polluted blood from each cell of our body and then sends the oxygenated blood to the all parts of the body. The heart never takes rest in the whole lifetime of all creatures on this earth. But in the stream of time this organ faces obstacles to work smoothly. Various factors are responsible to make this hardship harder one. Our age, lifestyle, food habit, smoking habit, habit of taking alcohol etc. are friends of cardiovascular disease and enemies of our heart.

The most prominent among cardiovascular diseases is coronary artery disease. Few factors joined together to give birth to such a fatal disease. Besides oxygen our blood contains various bad substances like high fat, bad cholesterol, good cholesterol, glucose, Omega 3 fatty acids. The harmful matters produce a waxy substance called plague. This plague is deposited in the walls of the arteries. Consequently, this narrows the path of the blood flow and hardens the arteries. Due to this narrowness the blood exercises additional pressure to pass through the arteries. This condition is called high blood pressure. Again, to worsen the situation further the artery is totally blocked by plagues. Then the man becomes a prey to the heart attack.

If we become conscious, then we can avert this disease to a great extent. Though age, gender, family histories are not immutable, but most of the factors are immutable. We can avoid eating saturated fat, high cholesterol, smoking, alcohol, and stress by proper stress management. Instead, we can develop some good habits like doing physical exercise regularly, eating adequate vegetables and fruits, drinking sufficient purified water, sleeping enough in the night. In case you feel any type of Cardiological problems, contact Dr Lim Ing Haan of Singapore immediately.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Know the Symptoms and Causes of High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a substance, mainly thick in nature and produced in the liver and is very vital to the good health and human body functioning. It has various functions in the body and most commonly found in the outer layer of every human cell. Cholesterol is involved in several functions such as cell membrane growth, production of the hormones estrogen and testosterone, production of bile, and metabolizes fat soluble vitamins in the body. However, high cholesterol is very harmful for the entire body and can be deadly as well.

It can reduce oxygen and blood flow in the heart that drives a person to have massive heart attacks at any point of time. Having severe pains in the legs while walking or exercising, getting yellow patches on the skin mainly around the areas of the eyes are some of the other symptoms to denotes that one is under the high risks of cholesterol level in the body. Again, if you are prone to red meat, sugary foods, sausages that have high cholesterol level will push a person to danger level. People who do not exercise regularly are also prone of high cholesterol levels and liver, diabetes, and kidney diseases.

In our regular stressful life we tend to ignore our health and also forget to have healthy eating habits. This can be quite harmful and requires immediate attention through some easy steps. The first priorities come in managing diligently the stress and reducing it completely. However, little stress is good but excessive of it will diminish your healthy and well as mental peace. The next is to eat properly healthy and nutritious foods and exercising regularly. Being overweight is bad for the cardiovascular health and it becomes a priority to maintain your normal weight. Avoid smoking and go for regular checkups for properly monitoring various levels in the body. Keeping your cardiovascular health in proper condition is very important to maintain the overall condition of your body.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease is Simple in Singapore

If we see the graph of the trend of heart disease and deaths due to this problem, then we see that it reached its peak in the decade of eighties. Then it declined to a significant extent. But, again it is rising due to various reasons. The commonest reason is hectic lifestyle of the modern people. This problem is not confined to the western developed countries alone, but it has spread all over the world. The developing countries are experiencing a surge in the cases of heart attack or cardiovascular disease.

We should become aware well about the causes of coronary heart disease (CHD). Our heart is a great pump which never stops working during our lifetime. It is responsible for the blood circulation in our body. The coronary arteries bring oxygenated blood to the heart. This blood keeps the heart muscles enlivened. But, a thick and waxy substance is formed inside the arteries slowly for a long time. This thing is called plague. This plague is deposited inside the coronary arteries. Thus this plague makes the path of the blood flow very narrow. If it is not attended with proper medical care, then more plague is deposited inside the artery. Then, one day, the blood flow is completely blocked. This is called coronary artery disease. The result is very fatal.

Dr Lim of Singapore is a heart attack specialist of repute. She is credited with pioneering method of treatment of heart attack in the world. Any type of cardiovascular diseases is attended here with utmost seriousness. The heart care centre is the torch bearer in the arena of cardiology to the whole. The patients are rushing from all over the world to Singapore. She has removed the panic regarding heart attack. For more information you may visit

Monday, 10 December 2012

Take Necessary Precautions to Cure the Deadly Heart Disease

Diseases are of various types some of which might be deadly and others less threatening but both the types needs to be dealt seriously. There are various reasons for every disease that if found will help a person to search for prevention and cure the same as soon as possible. There are a number of reasons and causes of heart disease, however, a person feeling slightly uneasy in the heart must immediately ask for first aid and needs to be rushed to the doctor as early as possible. This is for the same reason, the doctors always advice to keep a regular check on the health by diagnosing blood pressure and cholesterol level is very important. It will also be a good idea to include fresh fruits and vegetables, regularly exercise, avoid intensive smoking and drinking and it is equally important to keep a constant check on the body weight.

The heart is the core part of the entire body, which is highly responsible in pumping the pure blood in the entire body. This helps a person to live a healthy life; however, it is also very important to maintain the heart in its finest form. If this is not done then a person is obvious to get a massive heart attack and risk their own life. But at the time of attack one should always remember to raise an alarm in some way or the other so that some kind of precaution or more likely a first-aid can be given to the concerned person. Then immediately calling for a doctor can save the life of the person, however, going to a reputed cardiologist will help to detect the actual cause of the heart attack and immediately go for proper medications. A highly qualified and experienced doctor will take all the necessary steps to regain the patient’s consciousness and bring the person to normal. The doctors always work with a smile on their face, which gives the patients new ray of hope and easiness to deal and come out of the situation.

Friday, 30 November 2012

The High Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease are Bosom Friends

Heart disease is very common in the world today. The fast changing lifestyle of the people is responsible to a large extent. The people are less inclined to doing physical labor. They are now largely dependent on the power of technology. To drive that technology towards right direction they are very mostly dependent on brain power. But, this stress becomes very excessive sometimes. The consequence is high blood pressure. The abnormal blood pressure leads our body to the cardiovascular disease.

In cities, the people are very much fond of fast food. This fast food contains saturated fat. Besides, the people there are averse to doing physical exercise. The intake of various processed food with high fat causes our blood to gather cholesterol more and more. This cholesterol along with some other harmful elements in the blood gives birth to the formation of plagues. This plague is deposited inside the arteries. As a result, the flow of blood is hindered due to the narrow path of blood flow. Thus, we should always try to reduce high cholesterol in the blood.

There are various types of heart diseases. The coronary heart disease is one of them. This type of disease paralyses the arteries which supply blood to the heart muscle. Whenever the arteries are blocked, the heart muscle cannot receive sufficient oxygenated blood. But, coronary heart disease is as same as the coronary artery disease. This type of disease has some symptoms like chest pain, heart attack, the burning sensation inside the arteries. An efficient cardiologist, at first, will try to identify the type of heart disease before the treatment begins. Dr Lim Ing Haan is such an efficient cardiologist who has established a modern heart care clinic in Singapore. It is a landmark in the arena of heart ailments. Dr Lim has removed the panic from both the heart patients and the family members.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Features of Heart Attack and Instant Care

The heart attack is very fatal. The severest danger is the cardiac arrest, i.e., sudden stoppage of the activities of the heart. If this occurs, there is no heart beat and, thus, no pulse. This cardiac arrest is very dangerous because of some reasons. During this mishap, all supply of blood to the organs of the body is stopped. No organ of our body can live without oxygen for few minutes. The brain dies first that time. Within four minutes of such an occurrence, the tissues of the brain start dying. Even though the heart starts beating in the later period, the damage to the brain is already done, more or less, owing to the time span the heart had ceased beating. Within a few moments, the vital nerves fail and also the respiration stops, making the task of revival even more uncertain and difficult.

The remedies are many. They may be divided into primary and secondary remedies. At first, if someone is seen in such a fatal condition, the first job is to revive the heart within 31/2 minutes. In such a small span of time no doctor will be available to attend the patient. The liability of saving the patient only goes to the person present on the spot, if he or she knows the right measure to be taken. After providing the initial course of treatment, then the patient should be taken for coronary artery disease treatment services.

There is an external remedy to follow while a person is under the cardiac arrest. At first, feel the pulse and if there is none, give a firm pressure with your thumb in the middle of the chest. The heart may begin to beat again. If the first attempt fails, try for a second one. Finally, for any type of coronary heart disease treatment, visit the world famous clinic of Dr Lim Ing Haan of Singapore.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Beware of Heart Attack

One of the few most important organs in our body is the heart. It is like a pump which is responsible for blood circulation in our body. It receives the carbonated blood from the cells of the body and then delivers refreshed blood to the cells to provide the oxygen adequately. In this way a cycle of blood rotation in the body continues till the end of our life. The heart never takes rest in this process. Taking rest means the death of our body. But, unfortunately, due to various factors this heart becomes a prey to the heart attack.

There are some basic factors of this disease. Our blood becomes more and more thick when we take more cholesterol, fat, carbohydrates than the limit which our body can process adequately. These things remain in our blood as excess glucose. Due to their presence in the blood, a plague is formed in the blood and this is deposited in the arteries narrowing the path of blood flow. Thus the flow of the blood is hampered. When the total closure of this path happens, the cardiac arrest occurs. During this time, the patient feels pain in the chest and surrounding areas. He or she feels dizziness, headache, puzzled, and loses consciousness. The patient should immediately be rushed to the cardiology doctor.

To keep this disease away, we must maintain a healthy and routine lifestyle. We should eat a balanced diet consisting of fresh vegetables and fruits. Moreover, we should do physical exercise regularly, drink plenty of fresh water, and sleep sufficiently in the night. Say ‘no’ to alcohol, smoking, fast-food, saturated fat, more spicy food etc. We must always try to keep our body-weight under control. For an international standard of heart care, you are requested to visit heart centre Singapore.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Coronary heart disease is highly dangerous

Many of us have experienced the shock of sudden death of our near and dear ones. We become speechless when this news comes. We are puzzled thinking about the possible causes of this death. But ultimately we lost our patience and leave that matter in the hand of fate. Recently coronary heart disease has taken a gigantic shape. Within 2020, the heart disease will be the chief cause of most of the occurrence of death. The lifestyle of people is chiefly responsible for this negative development of our society. A detail analysis will show us many factors are causing this fatal incident.

Now “stress” is a very familiar word to almost all of us. It is going to devour us if we do not devour it instantly. We can devour it only by keeping ourselves away from the causes of the stress. We should lead a routine and healthy life. Our diet should consist of plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits, and we should drink plenty of purified water. Besides regular exercise in the fresh air rich in oxygen has no substitute at all. Thus we must maintain these very strictly. A heart attack specialist can help us highly in this matter.

The cholesterol is essential for our body, but we should try to reduce cholesterol level always. The cholesterol, saturated fats, and other fatty acids together lead to the process of the deposition of plagues inside our arteries. This condition hinders the smooth flow of the blood to and from the heart. Whenever this artery becomes clogged completely, the person becomes a prey to the heart attack. The immediate symptoms of heart attack are dizziness, chest pain, and strain in the left arm, shortness of breath. There are many heart care centres in the world. But the clinic of drliminghaan is unparalleled in this arena.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Cardiovascular Disease is Universal Today

We are now living in the 21st century. The world, today, is characterized by many artificial features. Very often we forget that this world has been created by someone who is Omnipotent. We have started to believe that human beings will never annihilate from this world. But this is nothing but an exaggerated view. We are very helpless in the hands of nature. We are made of blood and flesh which are perishable. We are exposed to various physical deformities, complexities and hardships. We are living in a cycle consisting of birth, growth and death. Now if we look at our physical body we see that it is composed of various organs. The heart is one of the few most important organs. Cardiovascular disease is related to the heart.

Now, we shall look into the causes of cardiovascular disease. Our body is filled with blood. This blood runs through the arteries and veins which are called blood vessels together. The heart regulates the blood circulation around all the organs of the body. It receives carbonated blood from the organs and then refreshes it with oxygen and then sends it to all other organs. But due to our food habit and lifestyle our blood is polluted with various elements like cholesterol, saturated fat, sugar, and other elements. Though cholesterol is needed for the blood, but we should always try to reduce high cholesterol.

The various elements of the blood mixed together to form plague. This plague is deposited inside the arteries. As a result the flow of blood inside the arteries is hampered. This will lead to various cardiovascular diseases including heart attack. The doctor, who is a specialist in treating this type of diseases, is called cardiologist. Dr Lim Ing Haan of Singapore is a renowned cardiologist of the world.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Heart Failure a Silent Killer

The reported cases of heart failure are gradually increasing day by day. There are many factors contributing to this menace. A hectic life style is the primary factor. The eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle of people are 2 of the primary causes for this menace. The high intake of cholesterol causes the blood vessels to narrow and harden due the deposition of plague. This is a pre-condition which causes high blood pressure on account of disturbed blood flow inside the arteries and veins. The risk factors depend on age, gender, heredity etc.

CHD or coronary heart disease is very rampant today worldwide. The symptoms of coronary heart disease include chest pains, shortness of breath, fatigue, heavy feeling etc. If they are neglected a person can suffer from a heart attack and consequent death.

Patients are prescribed to take some medication to fight diabetes, high pressure, and cholesterol. At first the doctors gauge the severity of CHD, and then assess the kind of medication suitable for the particular patient. Doctors may recommend a series of medications consisting of beta blockers, aspirin, statins, nitrates, diuretics etc.

Heart failure is a chronic disease and needs lifelong management. Doctors prescribe a combination of medications. It may either be medicine or surgery or sometimes both. Some methods of surgery which are in vogue today are coronary bypass surgery, heart valve repair, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators(ICD), cardiac resynchronization, heart pumps, heart transplant etc. In spite of all these treatments heart failure may not improve significantly. In that case we need to take hospice care. It is a special treatment for terminally ill people.

The coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is a modern method adopted widely by doctors. To improve the blood flow to the heart muscles and relieve the pain of the heart this is a very effective technique. It is an open heart surgery. Further, depending on the extent of disease there are other minimal advisable methods, like angioplasty or intracoronary stenting. You may consult Dr. Lim Ing Haan of Singapore.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Cardiology doctor is like savior of mankind

Our heart is such an organ which provides a ceaseless blood circulation through the cardiac cycle. It is one of the few most vital organs of the human body. This heart consists of four parts: two upper chambers and two lower chambers. The two upper chambers are called left and right atria and lower chambers are called left and right ventricles. There is a septum which separates the left and right sides. The human heart is a mass of about 250 – 350 grams. It is covered with a double-walled protective sac called the pericardium. This heart performs the most important task to keep our body alive. The cardiology doctor is responsible for attending any type of heart ailments.

Whenever we feel pain or discomfort in our chest, we should immediately consult with a cardiologist. The cardiovascular disease has many forms. It is mainly caused due to the thickness of the blood. Our food habit and lifestyle force our blood to gather various unwanted elements. These elements are excessive fat, more cholesterol, sugar, undigested glucose etc. All these together form plague which deposits inside the arteries. Consequently the flow of blood is hampered. Our heart does not get sufficient blood to pump. This results to the inadequate supply of oxygen to the body cells. We know that without oxygen the body cells and the body finally, will die.

Excessive cholesterol in blood increases the risk of heart attack. Various symptoms are detected relating to the heart problems. The pain in the chest and adjoining areas is one of them. Dizziness, headache, blurred vision, problem in concentration, sleeplessness are some other symptoms. As we grow older, these problems become more prominent. Thus to keep our heart healthy for a long time we should follow a regular routine life. Dr Lim Ing Haan is a famous cardiologist of the world. For any Cardiological problems you may consult with her.

Friday, 26 October 2012

All You Need To Know About Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are any diseases related to the whole cardiovascular system, primarily cardiac diseases, vascular diseases of kidney and brain and peripheral arterial disease. Atherosclerosis and hyper tension are two apparent causes among some other hidden ones. It has been one of the leading causes of death worldwide for some time now. But now among high income groups it has decreased significantly. Though, among the middle and lower income groups it is still persisting significantly. In fact all of the cardiovascular disorders depend on various factors such as sex, age, gender, lack of physical exercise, smoking habit, pollution, obesity, family history, and diabetes mellitus. However, many of the cardiovascular risk factors are modifiable by change of lifestyle, dieting, drug treatment and social change.

Cardiovascular surgery is related to the heart and it is performed by cardiac surgeons. It is done to remove ischemic heart disease, correct congenital heart disease. It includes also transplantation of heart. The development cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass techniques have decreased the mortality rate to a much lower rank. For instance treatment of congenital heart defects are estimated to have currently dropped the mortality rates by 4-6%. A major drawback of cardiac surgery is the incidence of neurological damage. The percentage of stroke patients undergoing cardiac surgery is 2-3%. To assess the performance of surgical units and individual medical practitioner a new model, named EuroScore, is being used recently.

Dr. Lim Ing Haan is a cardiologist in Singapore. She is affiliated to the Drliminghaan Cardiology Clinic in the Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre. You can avail of a wide range of treatments from here. Not only from Singapore but also from neighboring countries patients rush here. Their team of cardiologists has a very high expertise taking care of complex diseases.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Enjoy a Long Life by Reducing High Cholesterol

We are always in a state of excitement. Thus, our hearts are forced to undertake a high work load. Now it is high time that we look at our heart with some compassion. Among many of the heart diseases, heart attacks are the most rampant today. The chief cause behind this is the high cholesterol in our blood. This is why we need to control the level of cholesterol in our blood. A high intake of saturated fat is responsible for depositing high levels of cholesterol. Due to high level of cholesterol plague is deposited inside the arteries. It makes the path of blood inside the arteries narrow. The blood cannot flow through the arteries smoothly. As a result there is high blood pressure in the arteries and veins. An imbalance is caused between the heart and blood circulation. This is nothing but a precursor to a heart attack and stroke.

The outcome of high cholesterol deposition is developed over the years. It is very difficult to detect in the initial stages. It happens basically due to a factor called atherosclerosis which narrows and hardens the arteries. The apparent outcomes are angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. The consequence is deposition of plague and narrowing of arteries. Some specific effects of high cholesterol are angina, coronary heart disease, an irregular heart rhythm, transient ischemic attack (TIA), heart attack, stroke, peripheral artery disease.

Studies have revealed that to check the levels of cholesterol we need to live a decent life with many good habits. There are some medicines that have immediate control over the high level of cholesterol. Nitrates are often used to treat angina. The aspirin makes the blood ‘thin’ and thus reduces the risk of high blood pressure while there is a narrow channel of blood circulation. Angioplasty, stents, atherectomy, coronary bypass graft surgery are some of the popular methods adopted by the doctors today. Dr. Lim Ing Haan is a cardiologist in Singapore. She offers some of the best heart treatments.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The Effects of Coronary Artery Diseases and Its Cures

The treatment of coronary artery diseases basically encircles around making the risk of heart attacks and strokes reduced. As for example we may cite some conditions when a doctor may advise to take a small dose of aspirin or undergo some method of surgery, like angioplasty. But it depends on the situation and can vary from person to person. But irrespective of all types of treatments, some healthy habits like quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and regular exercise are some basic requirements.

As soon as you are diagnosed with coronary artery disease the doctor first will advise you to change your lifestyle. This includes incorporating some healthy food for the heart in your diet, quitting smoking, and regularly exercising. A healthy diet will certainly help you to curb the fatality of disease or may cure you completely. Besides adapting to healthy habits you may have to take medicines regularly. Eat more green vegetables, more fiber, more grains, less saturated fat and cholesterol causing food. And need to maintain a healthy weight keeping in view with the calories you take and physical exercise you have to incur every day.

About 80% of chest pains have nothing to do with the heart. So be careful when you are going to announce that a patient is having heart disease. CAD is the leading cause of death worldwide. It is generally detected at the advanced stage. So very often a person remains beyond doubt until he experiences heart attack for the first time. According to the present trend in the United States nearly half of the people above 40 will develop CAD in the future.

Dr. Lim Ing Haan is the most renowned cardiologist in Singapore. People come from all over the world to be treated by her. You can contact her for any heart related problems.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Cardiovascular diseases are a menace to mankind

As the technology of the mankind is progressing, the world is changing its appearance every day. We have received some drawbacks in the process to making our life easier. As for our health, we have been attacked with some complications. Cardiovascular disease is one of them. It is the common medical term for the heart diseases. There are three main forms of cardiovascular diseases, coronary artery disease, stroke, and diabetes.

In coronary artery disease, the blood flow is blocked inside the arteries due to the deposition of plagues there. Excessive intake of cholesterol leads to the deposition of plagues. The blood is forced to pass through a narrow path causing a high blood pressure. This is called hypertension. The symptoms of coronary artery disease are chest pain, neck pain, shortness of breath, pain in other associated organs of the body.

There are three risk factors that must be changed. The most obvious of them is smoking. The smokers are more prone to cardiovascular disease than non-smokers. The other risk factor is inactivity. From moderate to vigorous exercise is one of few most effective tools to prevent the heart and artery diseases. The last one is obesity. We know that obese people have more weight than normal. This problem becomes more prominent with people above the age of 40 years.

The treatment of cardiovascular disease involves medications or surgery or both. There are some basic medications like aspirin, super aspirin, pain relievers, beta blockers etc. The medical science has invented some very effective methods of cardiovascular surgery like open heart surgery, heart transplantation, pediatric heart surgery etc.

Dr Lim Ing Haan of Singapore has set up a model clinic for heart care. All ailments of heart are taken care with high efficiency. In fact, it is unique in the arena of cardiovascular surgery.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Heart failure cases are spreading rapidly

Heart failure is a wide spread physical phenomenon today. This has been a universal disease which has spread almost every part of the world. The lifestyle of people has much to do with the heart failure. At present we are more inclined to fast food. The level of our physical exercise has decreased very much. Every day is full of hectic schedule. Our diet is not as healthy as it should be. Combining all these malpractices an excessive pressure on heart is exercised.

Heart diseases are cardiovascular diseases. Some major cardiovascular diseases are coronary artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure, heart attack etc. A smooth blood circulation causes less heart problems primarily. On the other hand, if blood circulation is hampered, many cardiovascular problems arise. The three primary signs of heart attack are chest discomfort, other discomfort, and breathing trouble. In most of the cases the heart attack is associated with pain or other forms of discomfort in the centre of the chest. The pressure of heart attack may be experienced in various ways. It may be like that someone is squeezing the heart from inside. In some other cases the chest discomfort is accompanied by pain on the other organs of the body. A feeling of pain may be at neck or jaw. Generally, a trouble in breathing is felt in almost every case of heart attack.

Whenever you go to a heart attack doctor, he at first advises to do some basic breathing exercises. Besides you may be asked to eat more vegetable, fruits, water and take sufficient sleep. A regular exercise is very essential. The heart attack specialist will suggest you to avoid smoking, alcohol, fast food with high level of unsaturated fat. Dr Lim Ing Haan of Singapore has revolutionized heart attack treatment in Singapore. She has a modern heart care clinic devoted to the service of heart patients.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Reduce High Cholesterol to Prevent Heart and Blood Vessel Diseases

Cholesterol is important for our body but excess of cholesterol might be dangerous for your health. It can lead to aliments ailments to heart. High cholesterol will have you at risk of heart attacks, diabetes and many other ailments. An elevated level of cholesterol can lead to disease called atherosclerosis. This is a condition that is caused due to buildup of fats such as cholesterol. The formation of plaques in the arteries continues to pile up and ultimately it results to narrowing and blockage of blockage. Hence it is essential to take necessary measures in order to reduce high cholesterol level so that you can overcome different kinds of heart diseases like coronary heart disease, ischemic heart failure, heart attacks and strokes.

In recent times we often come to hear about heart diseases and there are millions of people who are facing heart attacks due to heart failure. Heart attack means permanent damage to heart muscles. Usually heart muscle requires oxygen rich blood to nourish it. Heart attacks take place when the arteries get narrowed and blood cannot flow. If you are unaware of the symptoms then here are certain symptoms that can help you to be aware of heart diseases Symptoms.

•    Heaviness or pain in the chest
•    Extreme weakness
•    Irregular heart beats
•    Sweating or Dizziness
•    Discomfort

Early treatment can prevent heart attack and if you experience any of these symptoms then you can definitely get in touch with a leading consultant cardiologist Dr. Lim Ing Haan for further consultations and heart attack treatment. Since your health is your wealth so you should not ignore take precautions before it becomes too late for you.

If you are thinking where to go for treatments regarding your heart ailments then its better you visit Mount Elizabeth Medical centre. It is the best heart centre in Singapore. Singapore is considered as the centre of medical hub where one can get treatments for different kinds of ailments. As a prime heart centre Singapore it focuses on risk assessment, early screening and preventive cardiology utilizing leading technology including 320 slice Cardiac CT and Cardiac PET. Hence look out for the best treatments and packages for all aspects of heart and vascular disease.

Monday, 1 October 2012

High Cholesterol a Major Potential Cause for Heart Diseases

Cholesterol has numerous functions in the body and it is found in the outer layer of every human cell. But high cholesterol can have dexterous effects on your body. It is a major potential cause for heart disease. Due to elevated level of cholesterol the arteries gets blocked thus resulting in reduction of blood and oxygen flow in the heart. Eating large quantities of foods containing cholesterol laden foods can increase your cholesterol level. Therefore it is necessary to avoid foods that contain saturated fats like red meat, sausage, and sugary baked goods which basically contain saturated fats. Other than this lack of exercise and obesity are other causes are responsible for increased level of cholesterol. In order to avoid any heart disease it is necessary that you become conscious regarding what ought to be done in order to reduce high cholesterol.

Often people face heart attack or strokes due to heart failure. Heart attacks are different from strokes though the after effects are really devastating. Usually heart attacks occur when the heart muscle actually does not get sufficient amount of blood and oxygen that is essential for the heart muscle. This condition occurs when the heart isn’t gets enough blood because of blood clot or plaque buildup. To avoid attacks or strokes it is necessary for you to control high blood pressure, and stress that are associated with heart diseases. You never know what is their restored for your future; hence the best option is to contact a leading heart attack specialist to prevent any hazardous consequences.

Usually the medical field that deals with heart diseases is known as cardiology. This field includes medical treatment and diagnosis of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease; hear failure and valvular heart disease. Singapore has always been on top in the healthcare sector. If you are facing any problems regarding your heart it is advisable to consult Dr. Lim Ing Haan a leading cardiac surgeon who has 10 years of spanned experience Hence for any kind of consultations and solutions related to your heart you can fix an appointment with her to know for best cardiology Singapore treatment facilities.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Avoid Heart Disease by Consuming Foods with Saturated fats

People usually love to have foods that contain dietary fats but many are not aware of the truth that too much consumption of foods that contains saturated fats may lead to sickness related to heart. Heart disease is a serious ailment that can lead to really an unavoidable situation. If you are not grave about your heart encounters problem they can be difficult to solve and reverse. Hence it is important to have balanced diet in order to keep your heart healthy. You need to control the size of your meal, eat more vegetables, fruits and avoid eating foods that contains high degree of saturated fats. Eat more whole grains. It is necessary to go for early treatment to stay away from heart diseases. To live a healthy life you can confer with Dr. Lim Ing Haan and undergo heart attack treatment Singapore.

If you are not taking your heart problems seriously then you might be running the risk of different kinds of complications and heart diseases. One of the most common heart ailments is coronary artery disease. It is caused due to reduction in blood and oxygen flow to the heart caused by plaque deposits deposited in the walls of the arteries. If you are experiencing symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath then you should immediately get in touch with a specialist for your treatment. Sometimes even a person may have silent CAD. These symptoms can be quite serious so you need to be very careful because it appears only after heart attacks takes place. For better treatments and consultations you can get in touch with Dr. Lim for best coronary artery disease treatment Indonesia.

When the situation becomes too severe and there is no other way other than its better you go for cardiac surgeon. The surgeon will first detect the problems and then after the disease has been diagnosed the patient can undergo cardiac surgery in order to get relief from solemn heart diseases. Surgery is basically done when there is no alternative. The surgeon usually advice heart patients to take may precautions that can help them to avoid any critical situation. And by taking precautions on time can change your lifestyle.

Monday, 24 September 2012

High cholesterol puts you at Great Risk for Heart Disease

Today people are facing heart attacks and strokes because of high cholesterol. It is therefore important to reduce high cholesterol. An elevated level of cholesterol can cause dexterous effects on your body and heath. And it is considered as the one of the main potential consequences for heart disease. The arteries get blocked due to buildup of plaque in the walls of arteries this leads to the blockage of arteries which reduces blood and oxygen flow to the heart. This will increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Therefore it is necessary to avoid foods that contain saturated fats, reduce being overweight.

Often it is found people facing symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea and palpitation, all these symptoms are related to heart diseases. But remember whenever you are facing any of these symptoms you should definitely get in touch with a cardiologist to find out whether you are having any heart problem or not. All these symptoms may lead to heart attack. To avoid any dangerous consequences it is necessary to control high blood pressure, stress that are huge factors which can ails arteries and blood vessels. To reduce the chances of heart attacks or strokes you can quit smoking, control your blood sugar, opt for exercise and eat a healthy diet. Further more in case if the arteries get blocked it is better consult a specialist and opts for best heart attack treatment options.

When the condition become massive it is necessary that you should look out for a good cardiac surgeon who can help you to overcome your heart problems. Cardiac surgery techniques have truly revolutionized the state of work and have helped millions to lead a healthy lifestyle. There are different options for cardiac surgeries like valve surgery, less invasive coronary surgery. Therefore if you experience any symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitation you should immediately consult your surgeon before it becomes too late.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Heart Disease Can Make Your Life Torment

Today we can find that majority of people are suffering from heart disease, it can make their life turn out to be hell because heart diseases are usually life threatening and is considered as a leading cause of death. Therefore it is better to be cautious about getting affected with these diseases. Some common symptoms of heart disease include chest discomfort, pain in different parts of the body, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, unexplained severe headaches, heartburn and many more. Sometimes there might not be a symptom and it may make a person to see the face of death. So it’s a silent killer as well. To avoid such a situation it is important to have a healthy lifestyle and a good diet.

Among all the heart diseases coronary artery disease is the most common. Majority of people in this world gets affected with this disease. There are certain common symptoms of coronary artery disease but the most common symptoms are angina or simple chest pain. Anyone is having symptoms like chest heaviness, presence of pressure, painful and burning feeling and lack of sensation then he or she should immediately visit a cardiologist and get suitable consultations and solutions. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, a faster heart beat, sweating, weakness or dizziness. It is a situation where coronary arteries are clogged as a result of atherosclerosis meaning build up of fat and cholesterol on the walls. A proper diagnosis is required because if not treated properly it can cause serious repercussions such as chest pain, pressure that can amount to heart attack.

Today we can find 18 million people are facing death due to cardiovascular diseases. It is a disease where mainly affects arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle. Due to this disease the coronary arteries harden and narrow due to the buildup of waxy cholesterol and fatty substance referred to as plague. As a result of this disease a lot of complications a person may have to face like chest pain, heart attack.  And it is a dangerous symptom and is a common cause for death. Therefore the best way to solve this problem is to avoid smoking and reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body. And in case if you are facing any of the above symptoms it is always advisable to consult and get proper treatment for your cardiovascular problems.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

High Cholesterol A Risk Factor That Needs High Attention

If you have high cholesterol, then it is high time for you to control the level because. The condition develops over the course of many years and it is called atherosclerosis that results due to the narrowing and hardening of arteries. There are many common effects of high cholesterol like heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart disease. Too much cholesterol in the blood depends on what you eat. Increased level of cholesterols is not bad but it becomes hazardous when it narrows and hardens the arteries of the major vascular system. You should take care that cholesterol level should be kept in balanced form because too much cholesterol may harden and narrow your arteries. This can lead to heart attack or stroke.

There are many risk factors that are associated with heart disease. If the arteries carrying blood towards the heart is totally blocked then it can lead to a condition called heart failure even a person may face heart attack. To get conscious beforehand you need to know the symptoms regarding heart attack. The symptoms for heart attacks differ from person to person. Different symptoms are like discomfort, heaviness, pressure, pain, sweating, nausea, dizziness, extreme weakness and rapid or regular heart beats. A silent heart attack can take place but it can happen if you have diabetes.

If you want to free yourself from the hands of the heart diseases try to get in touch with a heart centre. A heart centre is the best place where you can get most excellent treatment for all your heart related issues. There are many health centers in Singapore but are you looking for the most accredited center then visit Mount Elizabeth Medical centre. It is the most accredited center which focuses on risk assessment, early screening and preventive cardiology utilizing leading technology including 320 slice Cardiac CT and Cardiac PET. There are screening packages that are available to detect heart disease, stroke and vascular disease.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Look Out For Different Types of Heart Disease and Its Treatment

If you are suffering from any problem like shortness of breath, weakness, chest pain, nausea, vomiting then it’s high time for you to consult a cardiologist because you might be running the risk of having a heart disease. There are different types of cardiac diseases these includes arrhythmia, congenital heart disease, blood vessel disease, heart failure and congenital heart failure. Among the diseases coronary artery disease is the most common. The reason for this ailment is narrowing of the arteries leading to the heart. Any kind of heart disease will definitely affect the overall functioning of the body. To avoid cardiac diseases one needs to control the risk factors such as smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, high cholesterol level, obesity and physical inactivity.

There are perhaps millions of people in this world who are suffering from issues related to heart. If you are one among those then you should definitely visit a cardiologist who can help you out. Heart diseases can be resolved if it is in the early stages but if you are a patient of heart failure then obviously there is no other way then to go for cardiac surgery. Different types of cardiac surgery include open heart surgery, modern beating and minimally invasive surgery and pediatric cardiovascular surgery. The surgery procedures are different and it depends on age, health and other factors.

In recent times cardiology is the branch of science that deals specially with the disorders of the heart. This field is usually associated with diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. Are you facing any problems? Are those problems associated with heart? Then you should definitely contact cardiologist a physician specializing in cardiology. He treats people with heart diseases and investigates the history of the patients and try to be aware of the conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other risk factors that can damage the heart. A specialist in this field directs the physician about the medicines and tests that are beneficial for the patients.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Save Your Life from the Horrible Sickness Called heart Disease

Today millions in this world are suffering from a dreadful sickness called heart disease. The risk factors for heart disease include smoking, eating foods high in fat, and not getting enough exercise. All these risk factors should be avoided in order to say no to heart problems. Usually narrowing and hardening of arteries is then most common type of cardiac diseases today. It is important to understand the symptoms that cause cardiac diseases. The most common symptoms like shortness of breath, palpitation, nausea, vomiting and chest pain. If you are facing any of these symptoms you should definitely get in touch with a cardiologist who can help you to know what exactly has happened to you.

The most common type of cardiac disease is coronary artery disease which means narrowing of the blood vessels, leading to the heart due to a buildup of fats and plaque. Attention to blood pressure and cholesterol levels can prevent coronary artery disease. For these reason you need to go for regular checkups to reduce the risk for heart diseases. Recent treatments can be effective if those who suffer from the disease make the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes. In addition, making dietary and lifestyle changes can prevent the symptoms of cardiac diseases from progressing to heart attack or heart failure. Anyone can benefit from efforts to correct controllable risk factors.

Before it becomes too late consult Dr. Lim Ing Haan a proficient Singapore cardiologist who will treat many conditions and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Right from diseases of coronary arteries and congenital defects you can leave right in the hands of Dr. Lim Ing Haan. Her 10 years of spanned experience as a prime Singapore cardiologist can help you to heal any disorders that fall in the realm of cardiology. Regardless of the situation she will provide you guidance and is extremely knowledgeable about heart and its ailments.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Control Yourself from the Disaster of Cardiovascular Problem

The cardiovascular exercise is the best gift that you can give to your heart, the heart is the nucleus of your body and the most sensitive organ of your body. It has to survive all the agony, pain and abrasion so the utmost care has to be given to it. Any exercise that gets your heart rate into your target heart rate will get you going and make it more effective. The cardiovascular workout will help build strong bones and connective tissues and it helps you burn the calories, strengthens the lungs and increases the lung capacity, reduces the stress and last but not least promotes restful sleep. Once you start believing the wonders of the work out plans and enjoy the benefits of it then you will realize what you have been losing for such a long time.

Initially the heart disease was considered to be man’s disease and it only affects the older people, but thanks to the fast food culture that have busted in the daily life and contributed in the augmentation of the heart disease. Prevention is the key treatment and its diagnosis is often done by the health practitioner. The heart attack or myocardial infarction occurs when a plague ruptures allowing a blood clot to form. This completely obstructs the artery, stopping all blood flow to part of the heart muscle and that portion dies.

The treatment of the heart problem depends upon the sternness of the blockade, if it can be treated with the help of the medications then its fine. Otherwise you will have to go through rigorous treatment and diagnosis process from the heart center. With all board certified cardiologist, state of art emergency treatment, by utilizing the advanced technology the heart are now able to perform the diagnosis test and surgery.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Avoid Heart Attack to Lead a Healthy Life

A heart attack or myocardial infarction is the permanent smash up to the heart muscle. The heart muscles requires a constant supply of oxygen rich blood to nourish it and keep it healthy and the coronary arteries gives the heart with its critical blood supply. When you have a heart attack the arteries become narrow and the blood cannot flow as they should be. Because the fatty matter and the proteins build up within the arteries walls, the arteries build up around the wall and make the person more prone to the deadly heart disease.

After the heart attack the healing of heart muscles takes almost eight to nine weeks and the scar is formed around the area. That is why the heart pumping ability is lessened after the heart attack that is why you need the best Singapore cardiologist to deal with the sensitive part of the body that is heart. The Singapore cardiologist is a doctor with the special training to find, treat and prevent the person from the disease of the heart and blood vessels. The cardiologist must be an expert in conducting the angioplasty, stenting, bypass surgery and many more complicated issues to save the life of the patients.

The Singapore heart center is an institution enriched with many experience, and it has been made because there are many heart diseases that can be treated by the non surgical techniques. It is the state of the art heart center dedicated for the service of the people who direly need the first class service. It offers the wide spectrum of premium quality and cost effective services which keep the interests of the patients at the top priority. So don’t let the heart attack kill us come on let us make move to make this world a healthier place to live and lead a healthy life so that you can beat the cardiovascular disease just with medication.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Heart Centre Singapore for Emergency Service

Just talking about the disease and its reasons are not enough unless we discuss about the solutions and remedial actions. We provide you the best comprehensive cardiac and vascular services and that very clearly implies that you will find world class expertise and a complete range of technology to manage your cardio vascular condition right here in our heart center. Our heart center employs the latest clinical research, imaging techniques and minimally invasive technique procedures to provide state of the art treatment of the vascular diseases. It is understood that when you have heart problems time really does matter and at this moment of crisis we can give you same day appointments.

There are many diseases that cause symptoms and many that slowly dominate the functions of your body and conjure it up. So many people remain unaware of the disease and one of them is high cholesterol and as you age it is very important to find out whether you are suffering from bad cholesterol. There is a comprehensive overview and you should take care that the intake of diet should cover the strict diet and other medications to lower cholesterol level. Because as you know stitch in time save s nine and if you comes to it on time there is a possibility that you will be able to combat to welcome some other life taking serious chronic ailments.

The serious ailment is the heart attack which has taken its toll and made it a common vocabulary in every household from child to older people. Heart attack can occur due to the various reasons incorporated like hypertension, obesity and unhealthy eating habits, tobacco. Some reasons are uncontrollable and some are not that comes from genes, heart attack also known as myocardial infarction. It occurs when blood flow through the arteries of the heart becomes blocked due to coronary heart disease.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Focus On Cardiovascular Fitness

Cardiovascular fitness is most important to keep your body hale and hearty. When you are suffering from the heart problem you should readily bring a change in your daily activities and adopt a fitness regimen. You must have seen the athletes regularly consume 3000-5000 calories everyday and remain extremely slim the reason is they adopt the strict regimen and burn that amount of consumed calories. So in order to keep you away from the cardiovascular problems lead a healthy lifestyle, cardiovascular exercise is often the major component of the therapy for those people who have suffered from heart attack.

Cardiology is that branch of medicine that exclusively deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the heart problems. The cardiologist investigates the patients with the suspected problem by taking the extensive care and treatment and reviewing the history of the patients and performing the extreme physical examinations. To see whether the patient is suffering from any cardio logical problem and how to cure it. The cardiology always sees the heart as a part of the big picture and sees if the other organs are functioning properly then the heart will also work as per nature’s say.

When the person is under extreme mental and emotional stress, the heart will be affected and when the person is in extreme mental trauma his heart is affected and lead to serious heart disease. You should first determine the underlying cause so that you can keep yourself away from the causatives. The heart diseases mainly affect the older people and it means the same as the cardiac disease, it refers to the condition that involves the narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to heart attack, chest pain or stroke. There are other conditions that are said to be the heart disease like having infection affecting the heart muscle.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Stay Away From Hypertension to Avoid Heart Disease

Heart is that sensitive organ that it have to bear all the wounds and pain and silently and if some complications arises then you should not be surprised. There are over fifty different heart diseases that are affecting the heart and blood vessels system within it and the most common of them is the coronary artery disease. There are some people who are born with the heart disease and some develop it in the later stage of life either due to the unhealthy lifestyle or due to age. Apart from the coronary heart problems the other complications are the angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, myocarditis and many more.

To improve the performance of the cardiovascular disease it is very important to keep it in a fine and fettle mode. Because if the heart stops working your life will get paralyzed, the cardiovascular system includes the heart and the two networks of blood vessels: pulmonary circulation which moves oxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs and the systematic circulation that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the body’s tissues. The cardiovascular system is basic to life and the beat of ones heart is an automatic function to which it is controlled by the brain.

It is such a serious problem that the moment you have a doubt that there is some problem you should contact the Singapore Cardiologist. Diagnosis of the heart problem is made by the careful history taken by a health care practitioner. The Singapore cardiologist plan a appropriate treatment that needs to be individualized for each patients diagnosed with the heart disease. You can expect the five star treatments with the great accommodations, in the Singapore cardiological hospital. The cardiologist have gained great reputation and with great amount of experience in the medications and surgery and non invasive methods.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Singapore Cardiologist Can Assist You to Get Qualified Results

Today majority of people are suffering from cardiovascular diseases and is commonly called as a killer disease. It is a disease that affects heart and circulatory system. If you are going through the symptoms like chest pain or angina, pain in the arms and legs, weakness in the arms and legs, shortness of breath, numbness and these symptoms can be felt hastily. There are different causes of heart diseases sometime it because of lifestyle while other time it is generic. Certain risk factors that should be avoided are smoking, obesity, diabetes, physical inactivity and tobacco use. The only way you can overcome these diseases are eating fruits and vegetables avoiding fats and sodium. Therefore going for regular exercises can help you to overcome cardiovascular diseases.

There are different types of diseases relate to heart among them coronary artery disease is the most popular one. Today we can often come to hear death due to heart attack or heart failure. It usually happens when the arteries is contracting as a result of atherosclerosis. And insufficient supply of oxygen will lead to the blockage of arteries thus resulting in most common type of heart disease and heart attack. Death could be prevented by controlling the risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes and high blood cholesterol. To avoid coronary artery disease one needs to quit smoking, maintain a perfect weight and at the same time go for regular exercises. All these can help you to overcome this dreadful aliment.

If you are really serious about your health it is necessary for you to visit a cardiologist. He can be the best person who can help you to get proper treatment. A cardiologist works to treat all the disorders related to heart problems like from coronary artery diseases to congenital defects. Find an accurate or a perfect physical is really important. If you are undergoing symptoms like cheat pain, shortness of breath vomiting you need to get through Singapore cardiologist who can provide you qualitative resolutions for your heart problems. Singapore cardiologist provides comprehensive diagnosing and treatments for all aspects of heart and vascular diseases.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Control High Cholesterol to Lead a Healthy Life

We often come to hear about high cholesterol, it is a risk factor that can even lead to heart diseases, and can be a major cause for death. To avoid any such consequences it is important to control high cholesterol that can lead to dreadful ailments. There are many people who are not exactly aware of the fact that, do they have high level of cholesterol. In this regard you should know the symptoms that are associated with these like chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue so on. Hence it is important to manage the level of cholesterol in order to avoid the crucial cause of heart attack and strokes.

Nowadays heart attacks are the common cause of ischemic heart disease. There are many people, who are not aware of the symptoms regarding cardiac diseases like anxiety, feeling of impending doom, chest pain, sweating, nausea, and vomiting. Most often it is heard death due to heart attack. There are many things that elicit heart attack so prevention of heart diseases should be done in the primary stage in order to avoid any major consequence like death. Heat attacks can be caused due to coronary artery disease. Both men and women get affected by this disease and people may die within one minute after the commencement of the pain.

To lead a healthy life it is necessary to take precautions before it becomes too late. You need a minimum six hours sleep, do regular exercises and eat foods with less cholesterol. But in case you are facing symptoms like chest pain, vomiting, shortness of breath should immediately get in touch with a  heart centre and go for the best prevention method. There are many  heart centres but always opt for the one that provides quality treatments. In this regard drliminghaan  heart centre, the best place for treating heart and vascular diseases. It focuses on risk assessment, early screening and preventive cardiology, utilizing latest technology including 320 slice cardiac CT and cardiac PET.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Cardiology Deals With Treatments of Hearts and Vascular Diseases

Men are very often heard to die at the prime age due to cardiology heart diseases and it ranks second after cancer. The cardiology deals with the treatments and diagnosis of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. Every day a potential heart attack or heart disease symptoms are experienced by people and that is why the role of a cardiologist has become more important. So whenever you are facing any symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, nausea you should get in touch with a good cardiologist who can assist you to overcome and prevent heart from failure.

There are loads of reasons for different types of heart diseases but most important one is high cholesterol that can lead to complete blockage of your arteries leading to death. This disease is commonly known as coronary artery disease. Since heart is the most important organ of the body therefore whenever the heart encounters any problem it becomes difficult to solve so if you want to remain heal and hearty or overcome heart disease by avoiding the risk factors like high cholesterol, smoking, and high pressure. Heart disease is a leading cause of death for men and women. If you ever experience symptoms like chest pain, nausea, vomiting, shortness breath then you should immediately contact a cardiologist and get remedial resolutions for all your heart related problems.

In today’s world due to increasing level of stress people are going through, the percentage of death due to heart failure is immensely escalating. To prevent heart failure one need to exercise, have healthy diet, reduction of salt and abstinence from smoking and drinking to help solve the problem. There are many forms of treatment for failure of heart that focus on preventing the disease from progressing as well as treating the symptoms and signs of the disease and for that you need to consult Dr Lim Ing Haan the most excellent cardiologist who can help you to get best solutions and patient care together with the team of nurses and cardiac technologists.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Cardiac Surgery Proffers Faster Recovery from Heart Diseases

Often it is found that heart failure has a great impact on your quality of life. Heart failure is caused by a number of different conditions; these can range from kidney problems, high blood pressure, heart and lung disease, diabetes and even alcohol. This means that the blood flow to the body is not effective and commonly gives symptoms such as shortness of breath and swelling of the ankles. Damage to the heart through a variety of causes, means that the muscles in the heart cannot pump efficiently thus causing death of a person.

We live in a society that places enormous value on the ability to recover rapidly after a medical intervention to return to a normal life style. Today death due to the failure of heart is very common and the only remedy for this is to go through cardiac surgery if you are facing any serious problems related to heart. Cardiac Surgery techniques have truly revolutionized and patients nowadays perceive great surgical experience while undergoing the surgery. Technology and the advanced techniques that are being used are making heart surgery much more effective and much better for the patient.

In Singapore there are great numbers of cardiologists but Dr. Lim Ing Haan is the best heart specialists and one of the few cardiologists who perform stenting by via the radial artery. As a leading Singapore cardiologist she will not only live up to all your expectations but even she and her team of nurses as well as cardiac technologists will never give you an opportunity to complain regarding their profession and support for patients suffering severe heart and vascular diseases. So for any health hazards consult Dr. Lim the best Singapore cardiologist to support you at your trouble.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Take Care of Your Heart with Singapore Cardiologist

You must really take special care of your health and you can do it in many ways. Protecting your heart along with the cardiovascular system is particularly essential. Having a proper diet is a key to good cardiovascular health. In order to have a proper a diet you need to add beneficial foods to your diet that will keep you in a good health. If you are going through cardiac disease then you require going to the nearest heart specialist and obtain solution for your health. Well if you are residing in Singapore and want to visit a good and qualified cardiology clinic where you will be taken special care of and even be treated in the best way then you need to get in touch with drliminghaan cardiology clinic. Here in this clinic you will be provided best services and the professionals present here will live up to all your expectations and fulfill all your needs.

People who go through heart disease must strictly avoid excessive smoking and drinking, must lead a stress less life, have a proper diet, avoids too much of oily and fatty foods, and many more. The symptoms of heart disease are chest pain, high cholesterol, nausea, diabetes, high blood pressure and many more. If you want to keep yourself away from these diseases you need to stop smoking and follow a healthy diet.

Are you a heart patient and looking for a cardiology clinic in order to obtain solutions and go for regular health checkups every month? Then you need the assistance of a cardiologist. Today Singapore has become a leading medical hub so if you are facing any serious problems then consult Dr. Lim a leading Singapore cardiologist who has years experience in complex intervention including rotablation. Together with the team of nurses and cardiac technologist Dr. Lim Ing Haan will ensure the best patients care. As a chief Singapore cardiologist she especially concentrates on risk assessment, early screening and preventive cardiology.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Make a Healthy Choice of Foods and Combat High Cholesterol

You should understand the risk of high cholesterol on time otherwise you will have to pay a hefty amount of your life, because The World Health Organization estimates that almost twenty percent of all strokes and fifty percent of all attacks can be linked to the cholesterol level. It is produced in the liver and is very important to the good functioning of the human body but fit is exceeding the borderline it might pose dangers to your over health. There are several ways to combat the growing level of cholesterol like limiting certain foods namely saturated fats in meal and full fat dairy and Trans fat in many baked items helps to lower high cholesterol.

Despite all the amazing medicines and treatment the cardiovascular disease is on a high rise, but there are very few people who can recognize the problem until they have a heart attack. There are various recurring signs like pain in the chest called angina, or shortness of breath during exerciser exertion. Heart attack occurs when the blood flow to apart of your heart is blocked for a long enough time, which part of the muscle is damaged or dies.

The myocardial infarction is most likely to be treated in the emergency room of the heart center, which offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment for all aspects of the heart and vascular disease. We specialize in the interventional cardiology and are accredited to perform the angioplasty and stenting. The heart center offers treatment options for patients with advanced heart diseases requiring second opinion, it offers with the team of nurses and cardiac technologist who will ensure the best patient care.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Heart Center for Treatment of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases

In order to prevent heart ailments, it is imperative for everybody, especially for those people who are in their late 20's and early 30's, to start taking care of their heart and try to be conscious about their diet. Everybody should be aware that living a healthy lifestyle is wealth. And to live a healthy life it is essential to get control of high cholesterol. And an increased level of cholesterol is a risk for life-threatening diseases. Other predisposing factors such as lack of exercise, poor diet and cigarette smoking may also contribute to a higher risk of this incidence. But, too much of it is very alarming and can lead to serious health problems like heart disease and stroke. The number one common risk factor for heart attacks and strokes is high cholesterol.

Heart attacks are one of the major causes of death for people all over the world today. When it occurs, the flow of blood must be restored a quickly as possible in order to avoid death of the tissue around the heart. A heart attack occurs when a blockage forms in the heart or in the arteries around the heart, resulting in restricted blood flow to a section of the heart muscle. The heart muscle requires a constant supply of oxygen to remain alive and optimally functioning. Heart attack is a shocking incident and one who experiences such an incidence should take precautions so that death can be prevented.

If you are facing serious problems like chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath, sweating, vomiting, you need immediate treatment. And the best place where you can get proper treatment is heart center. The heart center is a right place where you can get treatments for cardiac and heart disease. With the help of certified cardiologists you can get a proper treatment for your diseases. So if you are suffering from immense trouble in your life due to heart problems it is always advisable to visit a cardiologic clinic and refer to a cardiologist to settle down your problem.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Visit Singapore Cardiologist for Regular Health Checkup

When you go for the lipid profile test then you will come to know the amount off at you have in your body. Having high cholesterol is a very common disease and the doctors have to deal with nine out ten patients who is suffering from the risk of exceeding cholesterol. The body produces cholesterol to build up acids that help with the digestion of the fat we eat with our meals and it also helps to repair and build cells. But it surprising to know that there are no visible symptoms of high cholesterol and a blood test is needed to identify the level of cholesterol.

High cholesterol has been identified as to increase the risk of heart disease; statistics have shown that about five lakhs of population die through heart related incidents. But once diagnosed taking appropriate action will reduce the perils of heart failure and it can be reduced by up to forty percent. Congestive heart failure is a state where the heart is not able to pump enough blood to supply the organs of the body. The heart keeps working but not as it should and this becomes a very serious condition that can be caused by number reasons.

The Singapore cardiologist will brief you through to be bewaring about certain factors. Our program aims to improve the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure patients by providing care through a structured system including specialized clinics and an in-patient referral service. A variety of medications is usually prescribed to a patient who is suffering from the serious heart ailment and depending upon the case of the patients Singapore cardiologist will determine the treatment that will be prescribed. If you are experiencing problematic breathing or have noticed swelling especially in your feet and legs contact cardiologist as soon as possible.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Cardiovascular is a Leading Cause of Fatality

The word cardiovascular technically refers to any disease that affects the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular disease is treated by cardiologists, thoracic surgeons, vascular surgeons, neurologists and even interventional radiologists depending on the organ system that is being treated. Majority of the populace lose their lives only because of this disease. By the time the heart problems are perceived the underlying cause is normally in an advanced stage having progressed from years. On the other hand accent on preventing atherosclerosis by transforming menace for example such as healthy eating, exercise and keeping far away from smoking. This disease includes the following angina, atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular accident, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, myocardial infarction and many more. If you are one of among them who is going through this disease and looking for a good cardiology clinic in order to go for regular checkups and treatment then you need to get in touch with drliminghaan cardiology clinic. Lim Ing Haan is a heart specialist in Singapore’s top hospital that is Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre. This particular clinic will offer you comprehensive diagnostic along with treatment for all aspects of heart and vascular disease. The professionals will live up to all your expectations and take care of all your needs.

Heart disease is a usual word for various numbers of diseases. It is a life threatening disease. The causes of heart disease are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, unnecessary smoking and drinking, hereditary and many more. There are more than 50 heart diseases but the most common one is coronary artery disease. So if you are a heart patient then it is suggested to take special care, proper diet, medication must be taken on time, no stress, and avoid smoking and drinking.

When does a heart failure occur? It occurs when the heart is not able to pump blood to the entire body. Heart failure most of the time takes place suddenly. It suggests a sudden and complete stop of heart activity. But this is not the fact because it normally develops slowly. Most of the people do not take this matter seriously and wait till it turns out to worsen. As a result this is really very dangerous to health and even life.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Heart Attack is a major Cause of Death and Disability

In today’s world there are thousands of people all over who are losing their precious life only because of heart disease. Heart disease is one of the most life threatening diseases that can take a person’s life in few seconds. One of the major reasons why people go through this disease is because it is hereditary. If you are one among them who is even going through heart diseases then it is suggestible to you to get in touch with one of the best cardiology clinics in Singapore that is none other than drliminghaan cardiology clinic. If you want to get rid of all your heart diseases then this is the one and only best option to get in touch with us and get cured soon as possible. The causes of heart diseases are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes and many more.

People who are going through heart diseases are likely to have a heart attack. It is true that once a person goes through a heart attack he or she has chances to go through it several times. The most common symptom of heart attacks is chest pain. There are several other symptoms even and they are anxiety, cough, fainting, light headedness, vomiting and many more. If you have already gone through heart assail once and do not want to go through it once again then you must stop smoking, keep your blood pressure, high cholesterol under control, go for regular checkups and many more.

Are you a heart patient and want to know the symptoms of heart failure then here are some tips and they are shortness of breath, a dry hacking cough, dizziness, irregular heartbeats, swollen ankles, and many other symptoms. So if you want to avoid a heart failure then go for regular checkup once a month have your medicines on time and take special care of yourself.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Cardiovascular is A Leading Cause of Fatality

The word cardiovascular technically refers to any disease that affects the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular disease is treated by cardiologists, thoracic surgeons, vascular surgeons, neurologists and even interventional radiologists depending on the organ system that is being treated. Majority of the populace lose their lives only because of this disease. By the time the heart problems are perceived the underlying cause is normally in an advanced stage having progressed from years. On the other hand accent on preventing atherosclerosis by transforming menace for example such as healthy eating, exercise and keeping far away from smoking. This disease includes the following angina, atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular accident, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, myocardial infarction and many more. If you are one of among them who is going through this disease and looking for a good cardiology clinic in order to go for regular checkups and treatment then you need to get in touch with drliminghaan cardiology clinic. Lim Ing Haan is a heart specialist in Singapore’s top hospital that is Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre. This particular clinic will offer you comprehensive diagnostic along with treatment for all aspects of heart and vascular disease. The professionals will live up to all your expectations and take care of all your needs.

Heart disease is a usual word for various numbers of diseases. It is a life threatening disease. The causes of heart disease are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, unnecessary smoking and drinking, hereditary and many more. There are more than 50 heart diseases but the most common one is coronary artery disease. So if you are a heart patient then it is suggested to take special care, proper diet, medication must be taken on time, no stress, and avoid smoking and drinking.

When does a heart failure occur? It occurs when the heart is not able to pump blood to the entire body. Heart failure most of the time takes place suddenly. It suggests a sudden and complete stop of heart activity. But this is not the fact because it normally develops slowly. Most of the people do not take this matter seriously and wait till it turns out to worsen. As a result this is really very dangerous to health and even life.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Heal Your Heart Problems with Singapore Cardiologist

Cardiology is the medical science dealing with the syndromes of the heart; this field includes the analysis, and treatment of the congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease and heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. When you have a problem related with cardiology, choosing a cardiologist becomes very important and depends on the specific needs of the patients. There are many risk factors for the cardiovascular disease like age, gender when men have greater risk of heart disease, heredity and most importantly the lifestyle.

As it has been rightly said prevention is better than cure and the moment you sense that any of the factors are redirecting you to serious consequences you should immediately start caring yourself and see for the symptoms of heart attack. Because it is like an event which happens and ends and takes the life of the particular person. So if you don’t want to feel the vacuum of your loved one, start from today with a healthy lifestyle and proper medications so that the situations does not go on the worse side. Heart attack occurs when the blood flow and oxygen to the heart is blocked; the part of that heart may suffer permanent damage.

Singapore has always been on top of the health care sector within the Asian region, it is the premium medical hub. It is a place where many medical miracles happen. If you are facing any heart problems and have felt certain symptoms like chest pain, breathing problems it is advisable to consult Dr. Lim the best Singapore cardiologist dealing with all aspects of heart and vascular diseases. Feeling the first sign of a heart attack you should immediately contact Dr. Lim Ing Haan, Singapore cardiologist who can help you to overcome your problems related to heart with the team of nurses and cardiac technologists.

Friday, 22 June 2012

High Cholesterol A Threat for Heart Problems

The medical term for high cholesterol is hypercholesterolemia. But majority of the people call it as high cholesterol. This is one of the major risk factors of heart diseases. High level cholesterol is caused due to genetics. It is always advised to go for regular blood level checkups in order to know if everything is right or no. in today’s planet this has turned out to be one of the most common heart related problems that majority of the people go through. If you know people who have died through heart attacks in a really very young age then the reason behind this is high level cholesterol.

If you are one of those patients who is going through heart disease then it is suggestible to you to pay a visit to the best cardiology clinic for regular checkups. There are certain factors that can lead to heart diseases and one of the major factors is age, and another factor is you can even develop heart disease if it is hereditary in your family. If you do not go for regular exercises, and even have a proper diet you can go through heart disease.

Are you a heart patient? If yes then you need to take special care of yourself. This is because heart diseases can lead to heart attack. If you are residing in Singapore and looking for a cardiology heart clinic then you need to get in touch with drliminghaan cardiology clinic. Here you will be treated with special care and qualified services. The professionals in this cardiology clinic will give you instructions in order to keep a good health and what is a proper diet for you. And one of the most important things is that you need to take your appropriate medicines that you have been given by the doctor. So no matter whatever heart related problems you might face without hesitating get in touch with the best cardiology clinic in Singapore that is drliminghaan cardiology clinic and get rid of all your heart problems.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

High Cholesterol A Matter of Trauma for Majority of People

There are several people who are not familiar with the term heart failure. It is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to meet the body’s requirements. In some of the cases it is not able to fill an adequate amount blood. And in other cases, the heart cannot pump blood to the rest of the body with a sufficient amount of force. Some people face both these problems. The term heart failure does not mean that you hear has stopped functioning but it means that your heart needs proper care and medical treatment. The leading cause of heart failures is diseases that injure the heart. Some of them are high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes. Well in this case if you are in search of a clinic where you can acquire proper and standard services then you must visit the drliminghaan cardiology clinic in Singapore. In this clinic you will get all services that you are in search of for a long time.

Coronary artery disease is the end result of the accretion of atheromatous plaques surrounded by the walls of the coronary arteries which supplies the myocardium with oxygen and nutrients. Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death. This disease is caused by the poor lifestyle decisions. If you want to prevent your life from this dreadful disease then you must take preventions such as eat a healthy diet to stay far away from this plaque, lessen of smoking, reduce alcohol, and regular exercise. These are the preventions that can save your life.

Often we hear that majority of the people suffer from high cholesterol. This is because they eat foods that contain too much of oil and fat. High cholesterol has a higher degree of risk factor that can lead to heart disease and heart attacks. In order to get rid of high level of cholesterol problem you must go for regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, and stop having too much fatty and oily food outside.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Heart Disease - A Disease That Can Take Your Life

I am sure that you must have heard the word cardiology but you may not know what it is in detail. Cardiology is the internal medicine subspecialty that deals with the problems related to the cardiovascular system. The origin of this particular word comes from the Greek word that is kardia. And this means heart or inner self. These days there are most of the people who are going through heart related problems due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and too much of stress. The doctors who see to the heart related problems are know or called cardiologists. They are specialists and they deal with all types of problems of the heart. It is always advisable to those people who are suffering from heart problems to take special care and treatment.

Heart disease is a life threatening disease and if you are suffering from it then you must be under treatment and stay far away from stress, tension, have a controlled diet and take proper medication. There are several factors that causes heart disease and they are high cholesterol, excessive smoking, stress, high blood pressure, overweight and excessive drinking. If you are in search of the best heart clinic where you will be treated by the planets best cardiologists then you must visit drliminghaan cardiologist clinic. In this clinic you will be treated by the best doctors who will provide you the best services. And they will surely live up to all your expectations.

Today you will find thousands if heart centre all over the world. But you need to select the best heart centre out of all the other ones. You must look for heart centre’s that will provide you qualified and appropriate services in order to keep you safe and stable. Each and every centre will not supply you good services. So before visiting always gain some information and know about the background of the centre, as it will be safe for you in future.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Heart Center for Different Heart Issues

Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance that the body needs to function normally it is produced by the liver. It exist in the outer cell of the body and has many functions, the body uses the cholesterol to produce many hormones, vitamin D, and the bile acid that enables to help digest fat. But when the cholesterol level rises it becomes dangerous and there are several symptoms of high cholesterol level like the atherosclerosis, a common consequence of having high cholesterol levels including: narrow coronary arteries in the heart, leg pain when exercising, blood clots and ruptured blood vessels, ruptured plagues, Xanthomas.

Higher cholesterol level leads to several ailments and one of the major chronic risks is heart attack, and its medical name is acute myocardial infarction it is a state of disease that involves the interruption of the blood supply to part of the heart. A heart attack happens if the flow of the oxygen rich blood to a section of the heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked; it is a condition in which a waxy substance called plague builds up inside of the coronary arteries.

Heart diseases is the common cause of death and the moment you see the symptoms of feeling anxious, feeling of impending doom, chest pain, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, you should immediately visit drliminghaan heart center that specializes in treating heart problems, including comprehensive prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The physicians and staffs of this heart center are committed to providing our patients with the best cardiovascular care with your health, comfort, and convenience in mind. So for any problems regarding heart you can definitely contact Dr.Lim the best cardiologist Singapore who can help you to get treatments for all aspects of heart and vascular diseases.