
Saturday, 15 September 2012

Heart Disease Can Make Your Life Torment

Today we can find that majority of people are suffering from heart disease, it can make their life turn out to be hell because heart diseases are usually life threatening and is considered as a leading cause of death. Therefore it is better to be cautious about getting affected with these diseases. Some common symptoms of heart disease include chest discomfort, pain in different parts of the body, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, unexplained severe headaches, heartburn and many more. Sometimes there might not be a symptom and it may make a person to see the face of death. So it’s a silent killer as well. To avoid such a situation it is important to have a healthy lifestyle and a good diet.

Among all the heart diseases coronary artery disease is the most common. Majority of people in this world gets affected with this disease. There are certain common symptoms of coronary artery disease but the most common symptoms are angina or simple chest pain. Anyone is having symptoms like chest heaviness, presence of pressure, painful and burning feeling and lack of sensation then he or she should immediately visit a cardiologist and get suitable consultations and solutions. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, a faster heart beat, sweating, weakness or dizziness. It is a situation where coronary arteries are clogged as a result of atherosclerosis meaning build up of fat and cholesterol on the walls. A proper diagnosis is required because if not treated properly it can cause serious repercussions such as chest pain, pressure that can amount to heart attack.

Today we can find 18 million people are facing death due to cardiovascular diseases. It is a disease where mainly affects arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle. Due to this disease the coronary arteries harden and narrow due to the buildup of waxy cholesterol and fatty substance referred to as plague. As a result of this disease a lot of complications a person may have to face like chest pain, heart attack.  And it is a dangerous symptom and is a common cause for death. Therefore the best way to solve this problem is to avoid smoking and reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body. And in case if you are facing any of the above symptoms it is always advisable to consult and get proper treatment for your cardiovascular problems.


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