
Friday, 30 November 2012

The High Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease are Bosom Friends

Heart disease is very common in the world today. The fast changing lifestyle of the people is responsible to a large extent. The people are less inclined to doing physical labor. They are now largely dependent on the power of technology. To drive that technology towards right direction they are very mostly dependent on brain power. But, this stress becomes very excessive sometimes. The consequence is high blood pressure. The abnormal blood pressure leads our body to the cardiovascular disease.

In cities, the people are very much fond of fast food. This fast food contains saturated fat. Besides, the people there are averse to doing physical exercise. The intake of various processed food with high fat causes our blood to gather cholesterol more and more. This cholesterol along with some other harmful elements in the blood gives birth to the formation of plagues. This plague is deposited inside the arteries. As a result, the flow of blood is hindered due to the narrow path of blood flow. Thus, we should always try to reduce high cholesterol in the blood.

There are various types of heart diseases. The coronary heart disease is one of them. This type of disease paralyses the arteries which supply blood to the heart muscle. Whenever the arteries are blocked, the heart muscle cannot receive sufficient oxygenated blood. But, coronary heart disease is as same as the coronary artery disease. This type of disease has some symptoms like chest pain, heart attack, the burning sensation inside the arteries. An efficient cardiologist, at first, will try to identify the type of heart disease before the treatment begins. Dr Lim Ing Haan is such an efficient cardiologist who has established a modern heart care clinic in Singapore. It is a landmark in the arena of heart ailments. Dr Lim has removed the panic from both the heart patients and the family members.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Features of Heart Attack and Instant Care

The heart attack is very fatal. The severest danger is the cardiac arrest, i.e., sudden stoppage of the activities of the heart. If this occurs, there is no heart beat and, thus, no pulse. This cardiac arrest is very dangerous because of some reasons. During this mishap, all supply of blood to the organs of the body is stopped. No organ of our body can live without oxygen for few minutes. The brain dies first that time. Within four minutes of such an occurrence, the tissues of the brain start dying. Even though the heart starts beating in the later period, the damage to the brain is already done, more or less, owing to the time span the heart had ceased beating. Within a few moments, the vital nerves fail and also the respiration stops, making the task of revival even more uncertain and difficult.

The remedies are many. They may be divided into primary and secondary remedies. At first, if someone is seen in such a fatal condition, the first job is to revive the heart within 31/2 minutes. In such a small span of time no doctor will be available to attend the patient. The liability of saving the patient only goes to the person present on the spot, if he or she knows the right measure to be taken. After providing the initial course of treatment, then the patient should be taken for coronary artery disease treatment services.

There is an external remedy to follow while a person is under the cardiac arrest. At first, feel the pulse and if there is none, give a firm pressure with your thumb in the middle of the chest. The heart may begin to beat again. If the first attempt fails, try for a second one. Finally, for any type of coronary heart disease treatment, visit the world famous clinic of Dr Lim Ing Haan of Singapore.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Beware of Heart Attack

One of the few most important organs in our body is the heart. It is like a pump which is responsible for blood circulation in our body. It receives the carbonated blood from the cells of the body and then delivers refreshed blood to the cells to provide the oxygen adequately. In this way a cycle of blood rotation in the body continues till the end of our life. The heart never takes rest in this process. Taking rest means the death of our body. But, unfortunately, due to various factors this heart becomes a prey to the heart attack.

There are some basic factors of this disease. Our blood becomes more and more thick when we take more cholesterol, fat, carbohydrates than the limit which our body can process adequately. These things remain in our blood as excess glucose. Due to their presence in the blood, a plague is formed in the blood and this is deposited in the arteries narrowing the path of blood flow. Thus the flow of the blood is hampered. When the total closure of this path happens, the cardiac arrest occurs. During this time, the patient feels pain in the chest and surrounding areas. He or she feels dizziness, headache, puzzled, and loses consciousness. The patient should immediately be rushed to the cardiology doctor.

To keep this disease away, we must maintain a healthy and routine lifestyle. We should eat a balanced diet consisting of fresh vegetables and fruits. Moreover, we should do physical exercise regularly, drink plenty of fresh water, and sleep sufficiently in the night. Say ‘no’ to alcohol, smoking, fast-food, saturated fat, more spicy food etc. We must always try to keep our body-weight under control. For an international standard of heart care, you are requested to visit heart centre Singapore.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Coronary heart disease is highly dangerous

Many of us have experienced the shock of sudden death of our near and dear ones. We become speechless when this news comes. We are puzzled thinking about the possible causes of this death. But ultimately we lost our patience and leave that matter in the hand of fate. Recently coronary heart disease has taken a gigantic shape. Within 2020, the heart disease will be the chief cause of most of the occurrence of death. The lifestyle of people is chiefly responsible for this negative development of our society. A detail analysis will show us many factors are causing this fatal incident.

Now “stress” is a very familiar word to almost all of us. It is going to devour us if we do not devour it instantly. We can devour it only by keeping ourselves away from the causes of the stress. We should lead a routine and healthy life. Our diet should consist of plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits, and we should drink plenty of purified water. Besides regular exercise in the fresh air rich in oxygen has no substitute at all. Thus we must maintain these very strictly. A heart attack specialist can help us highly in this matter.

The cholesterol is essential for our body, but we should try to reduce cholesterol level always. The cholesterol, saturated fats, and other fatty acids together lead to the process of the deposition of plagues inside our arteries. This condition hinders the smooth flow of the blood to and from the heart. Whenever this artery becomes clogged completely, the person becomes a prey to the heart attack. The immediate symptoms of heart attack are dizziness, chest pain, and strain in the left arm, shortness of breath. There are many heart care centres in the world. But the clinic of drliminghaan is unparalleled in this arena.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Cardiovascular Disease is Universal Today

We are now living in the 21st century. The world, today, is characterized by many artificial features. Very often we forget that this world has been created by someone who is Omnipotent. We have started to believe that human beings will never annihilate from this world. But this is nothing but an exaggerated view. We are very helpless in the hands of nature. We are made of blood and flesh which are perishable. We are exposed to various physical deformities, complexities and hardships. We are living in a cycle consisting of birth, growth and death. Now if we look at our physical body we see that it is composed of various organs. The heart is one of the few most important organs. Cardiovascular disease is related to the heart.

Now, we shall look into the causes of cardiovascular disease. Our body is filled with blood. This blood runs through the arteries and veins which are called blood vessels together. The heart regulates the blood circulation around all the organs of the body. It receives carbonated blood from the organs and then refreshes it with oxygen and then sends it to all other organs. But due to our food habit and lifestyle our blood is polluted with various elements like cholesterol, saturated fat, sugar, and other elements. Though cholesterol is needed for the blood, but we should always try to reduce high cholesterol.

The various elements of the blood mixed together to form plague. This plague is deposited inside the arteries. As a result the flow of blood inside the arteries is hampered. This will lead to various cardiovascular diseases including heart attack. The doctor, who is a specialist in treating this type of diseases, is called cardiologist. Dr Lim Ing Haan of Singapore is a renowned cardiologist of the world.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Heart Failure a Silent Killer

The reported cases of heart failure are gradually increasing day by day. There are many factors contributing to this menace. A hectic life style is the primary factor. The eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle of people are 2 of the primary causes for this menace. The high intake of cholesterol causes the blood vessels to narrow and harden due the deposition of plague. This is a pre-condition which causes high blood pressure on account of disturbed blood flow inside the arteries and veins. The risk factors depend on age, gender, heredity etc.

CHD or coronary heart disease is very rampant today worldwide. The symptoms of coronary heart disease include chest pains, shortness of breath, fatigue, heavy feeling etc. If they are neglected a person can suffer from a heart attack and consequent death.

Patients are prescribed to take some medication to fight diabetes, high pressure, and cholesterol. At first the doctors gauge the severity of CHD, and then assess the kind of medication suitable for the particular patient. Doctors may recommend a series of medications consisting of beta blockers, aspirin, statins, nitrates, diuretics etc.

Heart failure is a chronic disease and needs lifelong management. Doctors prescribe a combination of medications. It may either be medicine or surgery or sometimes both. Some methods of surgery which are in vogue today are coronary bypass surgery, heart valve repair, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators(ICD), cardiac resynchronization, heart pumps, heart transplant etc. In spite of all these treatments heart failure may not improve significantly. In that case we need to take hospice care. It is a special treatment for terminally ill people.

The coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is a modern method adopted widely by doctors. To improve the blood flow to the heart muscles and relieve the pain of the heart this is a very effective technique. It is an open heart surgery. Further, depending on the extent of disease there are other minimal advisable methods, like angioplasty or intracoronary stenting. You may consult Dr. Lim Ing Haan of Singapore.